
"Don't be afraid, for I am with you. Do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you. I will help you. I will uphold you with my victorious hand." Isaiah 41:10

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Good Morning Family, I say family because we are brothers and sisters united in faith. I woke up this morning with the intent on writing something else. But God changed those plans! And I know that when he speaks we are not always listening. Yesterday morning I was looking at TV and I went to the Christian Television Network. There I seen Andrew Wommack, he was discussing miracles and blessings. I listened to the beginning and then click, I changed the channel. I wasn't interested in what he was saying, because I wanted to see some other program. I went on to view another show and put off on hearing what Andrew was talking about.

Later on during my searches in the Blog Frog communites. I came across a blog and the words struck me! God's Miracles Today. I went on to read the whole testimony, of what the author had to say on her miracle. I left her a comment and expressed to her, how I felt about her miracle. I thought about it and I was so excited after reading her post. I told her in my comment that I wanted to share with others about her story. So, that is what I'm doing now. Now I know that God wanted me to know about miracles and blessings. He wanted me to know this, and gave me the opportunity, first with Andrew. But I put him off. Then he came back to me again, Wow GOD is awesome in his patience with us.

He led me again to what he wanted me to know. And this time I got it! That is how it works out sometimes. God speaks! Are we paying attention to when he is speaking? I'm not going to make this post to long. Here is Jeans Blog. God's miracle today.  Here is also a link for Andrew Wommack click on June 15, when you get on his page. The title of the the video is, How to receive Gods best. This is my testimony today. I want to talk about testimony later and I will discuss it in another post. Be blessed and have a wonderful day.


  1. Hi kemarias -

    Yes, miracles continue to manifest. GOD has not changed...

    He will not lower His standards...
    We must raise ours...

  2. Today,Tomorrow and Always. God presence is with us. We can know his rewards if we pray faithfully seek him.


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